Mulready Minutes Podcast series examines key topics in the insurance industry from a regulator’s point of view. Featured guests are top executives in insurance and private sector companies. Get inspired by professionals from around the globe and in all sectors as they share their challenges, triumphs, and successes. Expand your knowledge and learn about the latest innovations in the marketplace.

Monday May 23, 2022
Ep. 12: U.S. Life Insurance Marketplace
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Episode 12 – In this episode Commissioner Mulready visits with Tyler Laughlin of American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI). Discussion includes the life insurance marketplace in the U.S. and how it has evolved over the past five years.
Tyler Laughlin - Tyler is the Regional Vice President of State Relations at the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI). Before joining ACLI in 2019, he served as Chief of Staff & First Deputy Commissioner for the Oklahoma Insurance Department. Tyler is responsible for state legislative and regulatory affairs in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas and serves as ACLI’s lead for the Republican Attorneys General Association.

Wednesday May 04, 2022
Ep 11: Healthcare Sharing Ministries
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
With the unwinding of Medicaid after the public health emergency (PHE) expires, over 200,000 Oklahomans will be looking for health coverage. Commissioner Mulready looks at Healthcare Sharing Ministries with Buddy Combs, Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel of OneShare Health.

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Ep. 10: The Preparedness Movement Part 2
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Episode 10 – Heading into storm season in Oklahoma and launching Mulready Says Get Ready – Before During and After the Storm, – seemed like the perfect time to visit with Paul T Martin, author of Pivot Points. Paul examines the current state of the preparedness movement and suggests various strategies to teach a preparedness mindset into American culture.

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Ep. 10: The Preparedness Movement Part 1
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Episode 10 – Heading into storm season in Oklahoma and launching Mulready Says Get Ready – Before During and After the Storm, – seemed like the perfect time to visit with Paul T Martin, author of Pivot Points. Paul examines the current state of the preparedness movement and suggests various strategies to teach a preparedness mindset into American culture.

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Ep: 9 Oklahoma’s Insurance Industry
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Commissioner Mulready has the privilege of speaking with someone who has had years and years of experience with the insurance industry in regulatory matters. On this episode discussion topics will include looking at how Ms. Ables works with the Oklahoma Insurance Department, positives, and negatives of working with a regulatory agency and looking ahead at the industry and how the regulatory side might evolve over the next five to ten years.

Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
EP8: OID & Government Affairs
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Episode 8 – As 2021 comes to a close, Ms. Scott visits with Commissioner Mulready about OID’s Government Affairs division, how they work with state lawmakers to assist with policy development and it’s goals for 2022. She takes listeners through her process of working with each division on legislative priorities and the community. She also discusses NAIC priorities and how they work into the Departments goals.
Ashley Scott, Government and Community Affairs Director, Oklahoma Insurance Department
Ms. Scott joined OID in June of 2020 as the Government and Community Affairs Director. She started her career working over 10 years with the House of Representatives and then moved to the Oklahoma State Department of Health as their legislative liaison before joining OID.

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
EP 7: New to the Marketplace
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Commissioner Mulready visits with Sal Gentile, owner of Friday Health plan and new to the Oklahoma marketplace, the state of the health care marketplaces. Commissioner Mulready will walk you through the latest open enrollment numbers, the range of options for policymakers who want to improve access to affordable health care and more.
Sal Gentile and David Pinkert, two health insurance technology veterans, started Friday Health Plan in 2015. Following the passage of the ACA, the pair aspired to create a more straightforward, easier-to-use health insurance company, better designed for self-insured individuals and families who were choosing their health plan. Based in Denver, Colorado, the company’s membership has grown by more than 400%. Friday plans to expand to several additional states during the upcoming 2022 open enrollment period with continued growth each year.

Monday Nov 08, 2021
EP. 6: Pharmacy Benefit Managers
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Episode 6 – Understanding Pharmacy Benefit Managers, their role in drug spending, and how they work with plan sponsors to negotiate drug price rebates. There are several players in this space: health insurance plans, of course — private companies offering individual or employer-based plans or managing benefits for government programs, such as Medicare. There are pharmacies. And there are the drug manufacturers. Coordinating among these entities, firms called pharmacy benefit managers work for insurers to administer the prescription drug portion of a health insurance plan. As an intermediary, it’s the job of the PBM to make sure covered patients have access to new drug therapies while also keeping an eye on spending for insurance companies or employers. During this Mulready Minutes Podcast, we’ll hear from Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Glen Mulready as he visits with Kelli Price, division director at OID overseeing compliance of our Pharmacy Benefit Managers Division at OID.
Kelli Price, Managing Counsel, Oklahoma Insurance Department

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
EP 5: Long-Term Care Crisis: What caused it and what is being done to fix it!
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
America's long-term care crisis has been worsening for decades. The product was heavily sold in the '70s and '80s, but insufficient calculations, longer life spans and reduced policy lapses have caused a massive problem. Insurance companies have to increase rates to improve solvency and sustainability which results in premium increases for policyholders. Some of which can't afford the increase.
During this Mulready Minutes Podcast, we'll hear from Virginia Insurance Commissioner Scott White, the man leading the charge to find solutions for this problem at the national level. This is a session you won't want to miss!
Scott A. White, Commissioner of Insurance Bureau of Insurance State Corporation Commission Commonwealth of Virginia

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
EP 4: How the pandemic affected American Fidelity
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Looking at the pandemic and its impact on American Fidelity. What pandemic-related changes will stick around and what the company is looking forward to ahead.
Chris Kenney, Senior Vice President, General Counsel, American First Fidelity Corporation and CEO for American Fidelity Securities